A lightweight and translucent 3D printed Chandelier, spanning 10 x 5 meters, is the latest innovation achieved by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) professors Felix Raspall and Carlos Bannon, co-founder of AIRLAB. Displayed last year at iLight Marina Bay Singapore, this intentionally published design has been completely repurposed to become a dynamic chandelier hanging high up in National Design centre.
The tetrahedral piece, suspended from five points from the roof of the National Design centre, displays 152 LED points choreographed by a system of sensors.
The exploration of how full scale 3D printed components can address not only the structural requirements but also the lighting transmission and information communication within a seamless and continuous elegant aesthetics.
Design Concept:
Carlos Bannon and Felix Raspall, Professors of Architecture and sustainable Design in SUTD
Research Team:
Sourabh Maheshwary (Project Lead), Jona Lim, Jiajie Ye, Tay Jenn Chong and Aurelia Chan Hui En